Sprains, Strains and Bruises and Breaks

Sprains, Strains and Bruises and Breaks
From weekend warriors to daily tasks, everyone takes a fall now and then. Sometimes we just don’t bounce right back. How do you know if this is something to be seen by a doctor?
A sprain happens when the ligaments, or fibrous tissue, connecting bones at a joint pulls or tears. Most sprains hurt, and some take even longer than a broken bone to heal. A fracture may happen when a bone is hit with more force than it can bear.
Pain and swelling as well as bruising can happen if it is a sprain or a fracture. Erring on the side of caution and using the acronym R.I.C.E is the first step in addressing this type of injury. Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate should be the first “go to” for home treatment.
When it isn’t better with RICE or is getting worse the next proactive course of action is to be seen. Going to an Urgent Care Clinic is often the quickest way to rule out a fracture or to get the proper splinting needed if there is a sprain. My Urgent Care Clinic has onsite X-Rays to get answers quickly. You can often get a referral to a specialist if needed. Because these types of injuries rarely happen at a convenient time, My Urgent Care Clinic is open from 8am-8pm and patients do not need an appointment to be seen quickly.
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