My Urgent Care Clinic in Boerne can provide quality and efficient care. Open extended hours as well as holidays, My Urgent Care Clinic is often the best option for everything from pediatric medical needs to geriatric health concerns. Going to the clinic can even stabilize some situations until the patient can be seen by the specialist or the his/her regular provider. Urgent medical conditions are ones that are not considered emergencies but still require care within 24 hours. Some examples include:
- Accidents and falls
- Cuts that might need stitches
- Breathing difficulties, such as mild to moderate asthma
- Diagnostic services, including X-rays and laboratory tests
- Eye irritation and redness
- Fever or flu
- Minor broken bones and fractures in fingers or toes
- Moderate back problems
- Severe sore throat or cough
- Skin rashes and infections
- Sprains and strains
- Urinary tract infections
- Vomiting, diarrhea, or dehydration
My Urgent Care Clinic is the best option for immediate health care in the Hill Country.
Dawn Elder
Business Development Director