Do I have a cold or is it the flu?

Do I have a cold or is it the flu?
You wake up and you are congested and as the day goes on you become achy and feverish and you begin to wonder if you have the “crud” or if this is the flu. During this time of year, we see many patients who think they are suffering from one only to find out they have the other. Many times the symptoms of the common cold and the flu may be the same but the difference is in the severity.
In both cases patients are contagious in the first three to four days after the illness begins. With the Flu, most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning one before symptoms develop and up to 5-7 days after becoming sick. Because of the serious nature of the flu and to decrease the spread of the virus, being seen by a health care professional as soon as possible to confirm the infection is important.
While for the common cold most symptoms can be treated with over the counter medications, a visit to My Urgent Care Clinic can help with symptoms as well as test for more serious infections or conditions. Because the flu can sometimes cause serious complications, it is critical that you see a healthcare professional if you experience coughing, congestions or fever or if you have a difficult or painful time swallowing.
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